Gambar Keren The Joker. Nah bagi anda yang menyukai tokoh ini dan berniat ingin mengunakan foto joker untuk background HP, maka silahkan liat beberapa contoh gambar wallpaper joker keren dan terbari. In Gotham City, mentally troubled comedian Arthur Fleck is disregarded and mistreated by society.
After being tailed for a little while by some some hired thugs that are possibly cops, sent to kill Joker, Jonny drives Croc asks if Joker would like to join them in their game of cards, but the Joker is broke and recruits Croc.
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His origin, name, and true motivations remain a mystery. The first Joker in the Three Jokers storyline may be based on the Bronze Age/Killing Joke version of the character. Gambar Wallpaper Keren, Lucu, Dinding, Unik dan Terbaru.